Monday, May 21, 2012

When They Choose the Wrong Path

I've been brooding over this a lot lately. As parents, we show our kids the right path to follow, but so often it seems they have to find out for themselves that they're doing it the hard way. Well, they don’t have to but they choose to.
When they are little, it’s easier to show them which way to go, and they do it because we enforce our rules and standards. But when they grow up they have to choose for themselves if they are going to follow God’s way or their own way. It is SO difficult to watch them make poor choices, go down the wrong path and wait for the pain and consequences that result. I see the road they are walking down and sometimes it brings back memories. I remember what happened when I did that. Oh, why won’t they heed my advice? Don’t they understand the pain I am trying to keep them from? I see it coming. I feel it coming. It is inevitable.

We love our children so much. We want them to be happy and live full, rich lives. If only they would strive to follow God’s laws, they would find peace, healthy relationships, and a meaningful life.
I really like what fellow blogger at The Adventurous Life of Mine wrote,
“Life becomes so much more enjoyable when we obey God. God loves us and He's given us laws so that we might find the pleasant and prosperous life He can give us. It will be to our great benefit to obey Him.”
It’s difficult for our children (even our teenagers or adult children) to understand that when the path they are going down seems enjoyable right now. They don’t understand how it could turn to pain and destruction. How far down this road will they go before they turn around?
We pray for them to wake up to their situation. To hear our words, or someone else’s words, and realize there is such a better way. We pray for God's mercy to not let them fall so hard that they can't recover, and His grace to help them get back on the right path. And we’ll be here all the while, waiting to offer our grace and mercy as well.
Grace and Mercy to you,

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