Friday, June 29, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Things That Make My Heart Dance

I'm joining the Gypsy Mama today for Five-Minute Friday. Write for 5 minutes flat on the prompt: “Dance” with no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.


Things that make my heart dance

Feeling at peace with God
The touch of my husband’s hand on my back while we worship in church
Seeing our sons’ dedication to taking care of God’s house
A warm sunny day
Hugs from my kids
My stepson’s humor
The secret surprise that’s coming in two weeks…
Seeing my kids make wise choices
My husband’s love for me


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Sin of Compromise

Compromise can sound like a good word. When two people can't agree on something, they might find a middle ground and compromise. And sometimes, that might be the best solution. But when it comes to our faith, compromise is never a good thing. Every time I have compromised my faith, I come away stained.

'If you put on a pair of clean white gloves on a rainy day and then go out into the backyard to the flowerbed and pick up a glob of mud, trust me, the mud will never get "glovey." The gloves will definitely get muddy. Every time. In all my sixty-plus years on earth, I have never seen glovey mud.' - Dropping Your Guard, Charles Swindoll

Consider the company we keep. If our "gloveyness" is not rubbing off on their "muddiness," then perhaps we have become muddied ourselves.

 "Do not be deceived: 'Bad company corrupts good morals.'"
 1 Corinthians 15:33

The company we keep and the daily choices we make, may seem insignificant, but it leaves a stain on our character that pierces through to our soul and separates us from God. I feel it in my spirit when I am at the foot of the cross. The mud of my guilt covers me and I see my selfishness and failings.

"Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

Oh, I see so many ways I have allowed compromise into my life. Seemingly small and insignificant compromises, but they have dug a jagged barb into my soul, clutching, seizing, trying to snatch me away from my Redeemer.

 Would you pray this with me today?

*Father, we repent of every grey area in our lives - every area of compromise evident in our thought processes, motivations, desires and passions of our hearts. We repent, and ask You for forgiveness in Jesus' name. Dig DEEP within us, and remove every ROOT of COMPROMISE from within us.  Speak to our hearts and REVEAL the specific areas in our lives where we are compromising Your TRUTH.
(And this is a hard prayer…)

Help us to let go of everything that You require of us, even those things which are not evil, but will simply hinder us from walking in the FULLNESS of Your presence and Glory.

We renounce selfishness, pride, arrogance, lust and the rebellion of compromise in Jesus' mighty name.
We speak life to the Spirit of submission, surrenderance, and obedience in Jesus' name.  Father, let these pure virtues rise up within us.
 *Paraphrased from: A Prayer of Repentance and Warfare Against the Sin and Spirit of Compromise

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Weekend of Graces

Reuniting with old friends

Gentle reminders of holy living

A written "Love you!"

 A celebration of a half-century of marriage

The laughter of family and friends...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Father's Day Tribute

In honor of my husband, who is an amazing father and stepfather to all of our children. For all the things you do: homework helper, guidance counselor, trainer of boys to young men, financial counselor, patient trainer of young drivers, Mr. Fix-it, secret-keeper, purity ring accountability man and protector of our daughters.  Patient, level-headed, stable, faithful, long-suffering, strong, responsible, hard-working, provider, loving family man.
“Fixes our bikes.”
                                                “Brought home cool storage boxes to put all our stuff in.”
                                                                                        “Makes the yard pretty.”
“Was a W.A.T.C.H. Dog at our school.”
                                           “Provides transportation for us and takes us where we need to go.”
                                                                         “Works hard to support our big family.”
“Does projects around the house.”
                                       “Makes yummy dinners.”
                                                                     “Didn’t get rid of the cat he doesn’t like.”
“Supports us kids in doing well in school.”
                                             “Makes AWESOME cheesecake.”
                                                                                           “Took us to Disneyland!”

I am blessed and ever thankful for the gift God has given me in my husband.
Happy Father’s Day to him and fathers everywhere.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Giving Back the Reins

Lord, please forgive me. I have allowed the busyness in my life to crowd out time for you. Is it any wonder I feel a bit disconnected and floundering without direction? So many things going on and did I ask you to help me set priorities? Shamefullyno. I’ve been holding the reins again. Please….would you take them back? There are so many responsibilities to be attended to but only so many hours in the day, and a limited amount of energy in my body.
As I look down at the invisible reins, and slowly loosen the tight grip which has cramped my hand – my spirit – I envision the marks left behind. Deep impressions of the burdens I was holding onto so tightly carved into my soul. Have you noticed when you hold on to something tightly for a long time, it hurts to open your hand?  It’s a painful realization that I have been holding on too tightly and too long.  Holding the reins takes a toll on one’s body, mind and spirit. I am weary and drained. I have lost focus on the things that matter.
I raise my hands a little. Fingers curled open – to let go. To offer it back to the One who can handle it. For Him to take control again. Why would I want it? It requires unlimited physical and mental strength I do not possess. Wisdom beyond what I have.  Knowledge of things unseen by me. He has all these things and more.
You mercifully forgive. It is by grace, a gift, that You gently lift the reins from my hands. Relief. Merciful relief. And I can rest in the safekeeping of Your will.
How much simpler it is to simply come to You each day with thanksgiving and present my needs to You. You know the tasks. You know the circumstances. You know the seen and unseen. May You prioritize and direct my day. Each and every day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Issue of Respect

To whom do we owe respect? First and foremost, we owe respect to God. Do we esteem Him? Do we defer to Him the proper acknowledgement of who He is? Do we truly follow Him? If we want to call ourselves followers of Christ, we should avoid violating His laws and his will for us. How often do we go through our daily lives, hardly giving a thought to God until we need him desperately and then call on Him to come help us. Is that respect? It is in those desperate times that I am most aware of the inadequacy of my reverence to God.
There are others we should show respect to. Our employer, police, our president and public officials (regardless of your political beliefs, respect the office being held.) The Bible clearly tells us to honor our parents and those in authority over us.
But the one that has been weighing heaviest on my heart lately, is the respect that women should show men. Especially a wife’s respect to her husband. A sensitive issue, I know. But I think it is largely misunderstood. And if we want to change this feminist I’m-just-as-good-as-any-man-or-better culture of attitude into one that God has ordained, shouldn’t we start with our daughters? They need to see respect for men modeled for them. And we must be careful about our words. I’m finding that even young girls have already had seeds of disrespect for the opposite sex sown in their lives. Maybe through their own mother, another relative, or a bad experience with their father or other man in their life.
I, of all people, have every reason to have lost respect for men, from a worldview. I was treated very poorly in a previous marriage. But somehow, by God’s grace, I still know how important it is to show men proper respect. And He helps me catch myself when I stray from how he wants me to treat my husband. But more than that, I want to respect my husband. He is an honorable, hard-working man who makes it easy to respect him. And if others disrespect him, I get indignant. He is my husband whom I love, whom God has put in my life and in a position of authority as a man, husband, and father, and he deserves respect.
Mary May Larmoyeux wrote an article about 15 things wives should stop doing. Of those, at least half are rooted in respect.  
Some gleanings of grace from Mary May Larmoyeux (italics mine)
1. Stop thinking that your way is the “right” way. If he does something differently, it does not mean that it’s wrong. When a wife insists on having her own way, she is in essence saying, “I have to be in control.”

And maybe he’s hearing, “You’re wrong,” or “That’s dumb.” Oh, that I would never cause my husband to think that.

2. Don’t put others before your husband. God designed companionship in marriage so that a husband and wife can meet one another’s need for a close, intimate, human relationship. He even said in Genesis 2:18, “It is not good that the man should be alone.”
So what happens when you put your mother, a friend, or even a child before your spouse? Actually, you take a step (often unintentional) toward isolation in your marriage. If you choose, for example, to spend an afternoon shopping with your mom when your husband asked you to watch a football game with him, you may leave hubby feeling that he has second place in your heart.

When we get married we don’t stop being a daughter, sister, aunt, niece or friend and it is important to keep those relationships strong. But when it becomes out of balance, you risk creating a great divide in your relationships.
4. Don’t dishonor your husband. Suggestions included: Stop all nagging and don’t correct hubby in front of others. If you finish your husband’s sentences, you may be unintentionally communicating, “I don’t really care about what you have to say.”
Oh, this cuts to the quick. Have you mastered the art of interruption like me? Our kids are becoming experts as well. But it is something I have noticed in all of us and it is my goal to call myself out on it, as well as the kids. Fortunately, my husband makes it easier for us to notice what we’re doing as he stops mid-sentence and just stares at the offending party.
5. Stop expecting your husband to fail you as your dad failed your mom. “I spent many years waiting for my husband to give up and walk out on me, like my dad had years earlier,” said one friend. Her unfounded fears had robbed her marriage of much joy.

May we never allow Satan to use our bad experiences as an excuse for our bad behavior and lack of respect.

6. Don’t put your husband on the defensive. For example, if you are driving around a section of town looking for a restaurant and he’s obviously lost, does it really help for you to tell him that he’s been going around the same block for the fifth time? One wise wife said that she’s learned to be quiet in situations like this. Now, before she makes a comment, she weighs her words—asking herself: “Are my words needed? Would they be encouraging?” Proverbs 10:19 says, “When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.”

In other words, I should bite my tongue more. What did mom teach us? If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

9. Don’t make your husband earn your respect.  Many women think, I’ll respect him when he earns it. But there’s a reason that Ephesians 5:33 says, “Let the wife see that she respects her husband.”  As one friend said: “If women could learn to understand that respect is a man's native tongue, that it absolutely heals his heart and ministers to him like nothing else, it would make the biggest difference in the world.”

Every man certainly must have some qualities that you can respect. Look for those. Appreciate and encourage them in those qualities. If you can’t think of any, pray for God to reveal them to you.

13. Put an end to taking the lead because you think he won't take it. “The first many years of our marriage,” one wife said, “I would see what needed to be done and get frustrated that my husband would not take charge and get it done.” She went on to say that she’s changed by learning to wait on her husband’s leadership. “I really believe,” she says, “that our men don't lead because we women are too quick to jump in and take care of it all.” 

Ephesians 5:23 says, “For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body … .”

A final thought...respect is NOT about being a doormat, submitting to evil, or abuse. If you are experiencing these, please do what I once didn't, and seek counseling. While I am not a counselor, I have a heart for you. You can contact me by comment or e-mail at and I will do my best to point you to some Christian resources.
I welcome comments seasoned with grace.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Scriptures on Standby (Dennis Rainey)

A bit of grace from Dennis & Barbara Rainey...
"But his delight is in the law of the LORD. . . . He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water. PSALM 1:2-3
 As our children grew up, Barbara and I decided that we would “embed” Scriptures in our children’s lives. We did this so that they would know how to make right choices in tempting circumstances. God’s Word has a way of bearing fruit at just the right time, proving that it is living and active. For example, as we read the Scriptures when our children were preteens, we started rehearsing different situations they would likely face later: What should a girl say to a boy who wants to park with her late at night? What should a boy do if a girl becomes sexually aggressive and starts making moves on him? We worked on making topics like these part of our regular conversation as we read the Bible and discussed how it intersected with real life and real decisions.
 This came together one day for our daughter Ashley when she was 13 and found herself in a situation with a boy she liked as a friend. He told her he wanted to kiss her. “Well, I’m not going to let you,” she replied. Undeterred, he shot back, “Well, I’m going to do it anyway.”
 “No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.”

Finally, Ashley looked at him sternly and said, “You are not going to kiss me, because you are like a reed blowing in the wind, and I am a steel pole set in concrete.” Not an exact quotation of Psalm 1, but close enough to let this guy know that her God had weighed in on this situation. Do you want your children prepared to be able to withstand temptations? Embed the truth of God’s Word in their hearts.
Talk about how you can do a better job of relating Scriptures to the issues your children are facing today. What are the best times of the day or week to embed the Scriptures in the lives of your children?
Ask God to burden you with training your kids in His Word and to give you wisdom to know how to do it."
May the grace of God's word guide you today...
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