Tuesday, May 15, 2012

When God Gives you a Nudge

As a parent, I find I'm always working on something with one of my kids, or even my own parenting techniques. I'm praying, seeking and trying everything I can think of to raise my children right. And then just when I think it's all going well, God gives me a nudge.

First, it came from my oldest child in the form of a mild criticism. Then it came from a friend of another of our children. And lastly, it came from one more of my children and they weren't even trying to criticize me. It was just an expressed wish. Children are often hesitant to express their wishes so it was coming in subtle forms. And the message was the same each time...

Spend more time with me please?

Oh, how it hurt my heart to realize how they must feel. In all our busyness, trying to run the household and keep everything from falling apart...they were missing out on time with us.

Such guilt sinking into my spirit now. I wish I had seen it sooner. But God is telling me now.

Whom the Lord loves He reproves, even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:12

He's telling me through the mouths of my own babes.

We all have character qualities that could use some correction. Once revealed, it's our responsibility to take action to improve them.

This was a hard one for me. How do I give attention to a house that is literally "full" of kids? We have 6, by the way.

We both work so we see our children briefly in the morning while they are all getting ready. Maybe twenty minutes. Then we come home, start preparing dinner, ask about homework, eat dinner, everyone cleans up after dinner, few more homework odds and ends to finish up. Field trip forms to sign. An emotional crisis had at school that day needing an encouraging talk. Someone needing a reprimand. Reminders to clean up a mess or chores to do. We can't wait to disappear to our room and spend the rest of the evening...just the two of us.

How do I find more time to spend with each child?

Should I schedule an hour one-on-one time with each child each week? I don't think I'd ever see my husband until they were all grown and out of the house. Perhaps too grandiose.

But maybe... maybe it's just in making more small but impactful moments. Taking the extra minute in the morning to hug and kiss each one before we all head off for the day. And when we come home, really looking them in the eye and listening when they are unloading on me while I'm preparing dinner. Breathe deep and slow down. It's okay if dinner is a few minutes later. We've long since stopped reading stories to our children, but perhaps from time to time I might find an interesting short story to read them that doesn't make them feel like they're five years old? And don't skip over that last goodnight hug and kiss just because I'm already in my pajamas and ready to call it a night myself. It's just one more small moment...that could make such a big difference in the heart of each child.

Are there other ways we can show this bit of grace to our children?

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