Thursday, May 17, 2012

Praying for Our Children's Relationships

The relationships our kids have with others are so important because those relationships may influence them – either for the better, or for the worse. I don't know about you, but I don't want to leave that up to chance. These relationships might be friends from school or church, boyfriends or girlfriends, or even other adults.
One of our children's long-time friends has always caused me some uncertainty. They were kids, so of course there were inappropriate words or moments, but aside from that, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It just never felt quite right. So I started praying about their friendship. I prayed that my child would grow strong in the Lord and stand up to temptations. I prayed this for their friend too. I prayed that if this friend is going to be a negative influence, then the Lord should remove him from my child's life or else change them into what You want them to be. Thank you to Stormie Omartian for this insight into praying for our kids.
When our child was a little older, they decided to make a commitment to live their life for Christ. They had a conversation with their friend… "I can't keep doing some of the things we used to do. We can still be friends. I just can't do those things anymore."
A decision had been made to follow Christ, and part of that decision was to leave old ways behind. They were still friends, but they started drifting apart. More recently, we learned that this drifting friend is choosing their own will, rather than God's will and is leading a very troubled life.  I am so glad for God's watchful eye. My child could have easily been influenced to walk the same road with their friend.
When you have a feeling in the pit of your stomach about your children's friends, PRAY about it.
I also prayed that God would bring strong, godly friendships into my children's lives. Stormie Omartian, in The Power of A Praying Parent,  writes about why it's important for our children to have friends with other believers. She says it's not that they can't have a non-believing friend, but
"that their closest friends, the ones to whom they have strong ties, should be believers. 'Can  two walk together, unless they are agreed?' (Amos 3:3). No they can't. That means if they are not agreed, somebody has to change. And that's why 'The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray' (Proverbs 12:26)."
I want my children to have godly influences in their lives. I pray that God will bring people into their lives that will challenge them to grow in every way. That they would be encouraged to do well in school, make wise choices, find their career path, be involved in church, and make other good relationships. One day, one of those relationships will be their future spouse. I need to pray for them too.

Have you had any issues with your children's friendships? How have you dealt with it?

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