Thursday, August 2, 2012

Graceful Forgiveness

When I think of the many poor choices I have made and the consequences of those choices – it is easy to wallow in self-condemnation. But I also think of the grace God has lavishly washed over me. Forgiven my sins. Cleansed those stains. Made me white as snow. I am forever grateful and indebted to Him and endeavor to show my gratitude for His grace by giving that grace back to others. When others speak harshly to me, judge me, criticize or speak ill of me to others – what can I do but show grace…and forgive?

                Forgive even when it is not asked of me.

Feel compassion as I needed compassion. As I still need compassion - daily.

And this is a hard road... To be tough-skinned but tender-hearted. To daily battle my selfish will that wants to protest against those who are against me. Who hurt me. But God loves them, you, and me. What would Jesus do? He would show love to all, in spite of all our ugliness inside. Our selfish need for retribution. You know that feeling you get when someone “gets what they deserve?” When we inside quietly smile an ugly smile… instead of feeling compassion? To daily forgive and not hold it against someone – to not wish them ill. To the believer and non-believer alike. Because we are all people…

All human. All sinful. All fallible. All prone to selfishness.

Sometimes we have people in our life that wound us again and again and we can’t always avoid them. We can’t just avoid our family, people we work with, or certain friends. And shouldn’t that make it easier to show grace? We know we will need to give grace so we should be prepared…but we don’t always know when that shoe will drop. We drop our guard. And then it happens. What is our first quick response? Anger and indignation? Or is it Grace?

Oh, that I would always be prepared to be quick to return the hurt with grace. Because isn’t that what He is about? He is ALWAYS ready to love us, forgive us, and show grace to us.

Let us not just give grace to others, but lavish grace on them just as God has lavished us with His grace.

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